Indice degli argomenti
The course was created for the Erasmus+ KA2 project "PackAlliance: European alliance for innovation training & collaboration towards future packaging" and is divided into five modules.
- Module 1. New materials and biomaterials.
- Module 2. Eco-design and novel manufacturing processing.
- Module 3. Residue management and valorisation.
- Module 4. Citizen and consumer engagement.
- Module 5. Challenge-based collaborative practice.
The PackAlliance materials reflect the current state of knowledge; we do not assume responsibility for updating the materials in the future.
(24 Nov 2022)
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
End-users are recognised as key players of the circular economy, however, their role has remained invisible in the circular economy. The industries, political decision-making institutions as well as researchers see end-users merely as passive adopters of the innovations and principles of the circular economy than actors whose active involvement is needed for ensuring the best circular development. The Citizen and Consumer Engagement module aims at changing the understanding of end-users and provides tools to engage end-users in circularity.
Citizen and Consumer Engagement is a 5 cr module divided into Citizen Engagement course, 2 cr, and Consumer Engagement Course, 3 cr. Therefore, the module makes the division between two roles of end-users: as citizens and as consumers. Citizen Engagement course identifies end-users as members of society whose circular behavior is impacted e.g. by laws, regulations, and policies, and whose engagement may be linked e.g., to civil activism. The Consumer Engagement course identifies end-users as actors in businesses whose behavior e.g., companies try to impact. -
This material provides a template for fill-in activity.
This is role play related content